



한국조경학회 2023-03-09 10:40 조회수 1119

조경학회 회원 여러분의 무궁한 발전을 기원합니다.

2023 IFLA world congress 논문제출 안내드립니다.

 -일시: 2023년 9월 28일~30일

 -개최도시: 스웨덴 스톡홀름 / 케냐 나이로비

 -제출마감: 2023년 4월 1일 12시


*자세한 사항은 홈페이지 원문을 참조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

- 2023 IFLA홈페이지 : Call for abstracts and projects - IFLA2023 




On September 17th 2019 IFLA´s president at the time, James Hayter, declared a climate and biodiversity emergency and called for landscape architects world wide to join together in facing these challenges.The anthropocene has made apparent the negative effects of the interaction between humanity and the planet. While nations have borders, the consequences of our collective actions and the ensuing threats facing humanity do not. 


However, this era also sees new forms of interaction emerge; ones that transcends national, social and cultural boundaries as well as academic and institutional borders. At the same time old paradigms and barriers are being dissolved, and technological innovation and new forms of communication allows us to share information increasingly efficiently. The opportunities for collaboration have never been better, and never so needed. We cannot leave anyone behind. 


Continuing on the 2019 declaration, the theme of the 2023 IFLA World Congress, “Emergent interaction” aims to explore emerging forms of collective problem solving, networks of ideas and borderless strategies in order to find new solutions to the urgent issues of climate change, social inequality and biodiversity. 


The IFLA World Congress 2023 seek submissions within four tracks:


  • Scientific or practice abstracts
  • Design projects
  • IFLA 75 anniversary ”IFLA 75: Histories and networks” abstracts
  • Open – If you would like to submit other material that does not fit in to the other categories

All submissions (except IFLA 75) shall be connected to one of the three subthemes of the congress: Leave no one behind, Act local, think global, Beyond borders . Practicioners and students from relevant fields are welcome to submit.


The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1st April 2023 at 12.00 hours (GMT)